Saturday, May 24, 2008

Low Carlorie Diets Don't Work

One of the first things we do when we go on a diet is to start to count calories so that we can lower our calorie intake. It only seems logical that if we lower our calorie intake that we will lose weight. Well this does work for a short time, but the weight will stop coming off and you will start feeling like you are starving. Ironically, if you were truly starving this diet would work. But you would be putting yourself into serious health jeopardy.

The problem is that by lowering calorie intake we are simultaneously lowering our metabolism (fat burning engine). When we slow down our metabolism we are really making it difficult to burn fat and when we come off the diet we put on weight faster since our metabolism has slowed to a crawl. What we need is a diet that HELPS us lose weight AND increase our metabolism. In the book Fat Loss 4 Idiots we get just that. A simple and straight forward system that will drop pounds like you never have before.

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